
TPF創辦人廖美琪小姐具備飼養寵物及參與動物保護活動經驗豐富。創立公司目的,希望將個人對寵物的熱愛與事業結合,讓愛能擴大分享。我們承諾提供優質安全的產品,為飼主們嚴選把關。 TPF 從台灣出發,篩選"MADE IN TAIWAN"及全球的優質產品行銷海外,以設立全球營業服務據點為追求目標,推廣台灣寵物食/用品於廣大市場,TPF誠摯邀請您與寵物共同參與享受優質生活。 同時希望藉由TPF平台彼此交流,建立優良飼養習慣。目前除專營食用品外,正積極聯盟動物醫院,結合專業醫護資訊滿足飼主養護衛教的需要,讓寵物如家人一樣獲得健康的生活及成長。

About TPF

TPF is located in Guanyin district(Taoyuan, Taiwan) and dedicated to supplying premium products for pet parents all over the world. We've strived to offer finer service globally and promoted pet food and treat from Taiwan. We know only premium products can make our customers keep coming back for more.

TPF hope to serve as a platform and share good caring information with you. We design and develop products from your very first concepts and look fordward to supplying comprehensive services to meet your needs. We understand the special role your pet plays in your family and we are dedicated to becoming your partner in your pet's health care. Now we are trying to ally local pet care hospitals and offer client education to each individual owner. Our ultimate goal is to keep your companion healthy and get a better life with you.

優質純肉食品~毛孩天天在慶祝 🥳

企業理念  Our Policy

❤️ 產品安全為根本 

       Product safety is our priority.

❤️ 客戶滿意為中心 

       Customer satisfaction is our main concern.

❤️ 誠信謙虛為原則 

       Humbleness is our principle.

❤️ 關愛動物為責任 

       Animal care is our responsibility. 

台灣寵物食品有限公司 TPF CO., LTD.

客服專線:+886-3-4737770                          E-mailtpf69572067@gmail.com                   

Address: 328 桃園市觀音區仁愛路二段410號   NO.410, SEC. 2,Ren'ai Rd., Guanyin Dist., Taoyuan City 328, Taiwan

客服時間: 週一至週五 9:00 - 18:00

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